Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed all the basketball as much as I did #gdtbath!!!
If you remember, one of my first posts was on my "niece" dog Layla. Last weekend, Layla joined the family in Reidsville for Easter. We have a pond (a very muddy pond) in our neighborhood that she loves to escape to. On Friday afternoon, she ran off and got so muddy that this golden retriever looked almost like a chocolate lab. Her head was completely brown. My sister, Isabelle, gave her a good bath and got her all clean and back to her normal color.
Layla & Crockett |
A couple of hours later, after everyone else had showered, I was washing my car in the front of the house when Layla came trotting around the corner, all muddy once more. Of course, I quickly became the go-to to give her a bath. If I needed a reminder that I'm not quite ready to be a full-time dog owner, rubbing shampoo into a long-haired, mud-covered pup was it. I'm surprised that there's even any mud left in the pond. She had all of these muddy, endless tangles in her hair because she had rolled all around in the shallow water where all pond residue sits. After a good 20 minute scrub and scissors to cut off all the permanently tangled hairs, Miss Layla was all clean once more. Needless to say, she was in indoor "time out" for the rest of the day.
I'm sure all of you dog people out there have plenty of messy stories like this too. I also know that having a dog would require more than a little patience for dog moments like this one. Share with me and let me hear all about your stories and pups!
Until next time,
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