After I ordered my moose-tracks ice cream, I started to walk around and check things out. This was my first time at the Trolly Stop, so naturally I wandered a little. They had great posters, quotes, and pictures all over the walls. As I looked up above the ice cream bar, I saw a huge collage of pictures; at first I thought they were just pictures of people who had stopped in to get a hot dog. Being a kind of short person, I guess I missed the sign that said "You and Your Dog" haha. All the people in the Polaroid pictures had their dogs with them and had stopped for a picture. Each person wrote the dog's name and date of the visit on the picture. It was really interesting to see the dogs and all of the creative names people come up with for their pups. Crowd favorite: Wolf Gang. I'll assume no connection to NC State! I look forward to seeing how this wall of fame expands in the coming years.
Like Sutton's Drug Store, one of my favorite places in Chapel Hill, Trolly Stop made a great display of their loyal customers through pictures on the walls. In both restaurants, the pictures make you feel welcome and feel that the place really cares about its customers... at least that's how I felt! Nice work guys. Hopefully some of those pups got a hot dog out of the photo op! TBD on whether pups can eat hot dogs... I'm no veterinarian here.
For my own collection of all the Dogs of Chapel Hill I've encountered, be sure to follow @dogsofchapelhill on Instagram!
Until next time,